The New Oil

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Moderately Important: Section Introduction

These are things that are important, but not critical. While the last section focused more on security, this section pertains mostly to privacy and offers concepts, tools, and tips to reduce data collection. In 2016, the world learned through the Cambridge Analytica scandal that data collection can easily be abused for more than just targeted advertising. It can be used to sway entire populations of people to vote in ways they wouldn’t normally vote and change the course of history on a macroscopic level. Protecting your privacy isn’t just about not being swayed by an advertisement, it’s about protecting yourself from propaganda, misinformation, and other unseen, future threats.

This section covers the following:

This section will help protect you from a lot of the “unconscious surveillance” I mentioned in the Understanding Surveillance section. It will help protect you from bots that read your emails and texts, from location-scraping apps and services, and future-proof you against unforeseen future threats. Some of the advice in this section will take more effort on your part, but it will be worth it.